Manually curated online directory to help car owners find the perfect storage facility for their car.

Frequently asked questions about car storage

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Q: What is car storage?

A: Car storage facilities are typically locations with secure access where car collectors can store their vehicles indoor. Many business operators also offer battery conditioners, detailing services, valeting. Some even go as far as to operate as car clubs offering various activities and organized drives to their members.

Q: What are the benefits to car storage?

A: There are several features that customers enjoy: (1) peace of mind as the car is safely stored in a special garage / building with limited access to outsiders; (2) the car is protected from the weather (limited sunlight, low humidity); (3) battery tender is typically used at many locations which limits discharge and the car in a ready-to-go state.

Q: How is a dedicated car storage different to a garage parking lot?

A: The best thing about a car storage space is that these businesses are usually run by car enthusiasts who will take great care of your prized possesion, whereas in a normal garage parking you may run the risk of having your car damaged by other parking users and security is not as great.

Q: I have another question...

A: I'd be happy to hear about it! Please, visit the contact page and send me an email with your question.